Friday 9 May 2008

Biodiesel for Beginners

Having recieved a good comment here recently from someone looking into using Biodiesel it highlighted the problem of information or lack of it about the whole subject.

The petro chemical industry does like to 'control' any potential threats to its position and not all of their efforts are open and identifiable. Many times they operate under the radar. They like to distribute disinformation and confusion about biofuels. It suits their needs.

So beware, all that you read and all that you hear may be 'tainted' or contradictory.

This is the main reason I started this blog. To get some truth into the debate and try to encourage ordinary people to either use or preferably make their own biodiesel. Making biodiesel from WVO is a brilliant solution to lots and lots of issues right now. It is easier to do than most people think.

I am just finishing my own eBook called 'Biodiesel for Beginners' that will be available from a website near you! - quite soon. So keep reading and thanks for all the attention so far.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

..and you thought I wasn't coming back!

Sorry for the huge absence but you know what they say about absences.

Well it seems like over the last few months the story has taken root that biofuels will completely starve the third world out of existence and probablty accelerate AIDS as well. I also read that using biofuels can cause infertility, or is that just wishful thinking on behalf of the Chinese?

Now a more cynical fellow than me might just suspect the whiff of intervention from the mega - global - stupendously powerful and mighty oil industry at work here. There big and they're clever and this argument against biofuel is a stonker.

How clever?

How could any fair and right minded person be seen to argue for biofuel after that allegation!

Ah well, better just get on with raping the last of the worlds oil resources then. Cheer up, at least most people in the West can still just afford to fill up!

More revelations soon. Stay tuned.