Friday 15 February 2008

Right here, right now!

I thought today I should write about the preponderance of articles I have seen lately that are citicising or at the very least putting a negative slant onto making Biodiesel.

You must have seen them.

Things like, "Biodiesel is not the future", "Third World countries to starve so that the Western World can carry on driving their 4x4's" etc, etc.

This is nonsense!

I don't think even the most fervent supporters of making Biodiesel expect Biodiesel to replace fossil fuels. It just won't happen. And ripping up food crops to plant palm oil for export is obscene.

Keep Biodiesel local, keep it recycled.

However, whilst all these articles circulate and while people read this and that and try to decide what to do about CC (Climate Change) - the fossil oil gets used up and the CC gets worse.

Why do we not just get on with making Biodiesel. if you make it from WVO it produces a positive energy balance figure of at least 6.0:1. This means it produces at least 6 times more energy that it consumes in making and getting it to the point of use.

Do you know what the figure for fossil diesel is?

It's 0.8:1.

In other words, a negative balance. Thats right, it takes more energy to produce and get to the point of use than it delivers in use! Unbelievable but true.

So why don't mre peple just get on and make Biodiesel. From chip fat or burger fat or courgette flower fat or whatever, as long as it's recycled waste vegetable oil from your local district.

The answer is right here, right now - stop procrastinating, just do it.


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