Monday 21 January 2008

Biodiesel News

Here's some latest news on the making Biodiesel front folks. If you go to this site there is also a good download to recieve a free newsletter link. Follow this link:

January 20, 2008
Biodiesel News Roundup 18 Jan 2008
Hey folks,
So here we go with our "weekly" round-up of biodisel goodness from around the world. I hope you enjoy it…
Safeway Go Green
The story that seems to have cropped up the most around the web this week is news that supermarket giant Safeway will now run its fleet of over 1000 trucks on biodiesel fuel across the USA.
"Our customers care about these types of sustainability issues, and we are proud to be a leader in environmental best practices," said Joe Pettus the senior vice president
China Gets Biodiesel Friendly
In the northern provnce of Hebei, around 7,000 hectares of biodiesel forest will be grown.
China is trying its best to fuel its massive and fast growing economy and its turned to biodiesel to achieve that.
Biodiesel At The Movies

Biodiesel will be featured in the upcoming film "Fields of Fuel". Josh Tickell's movie will be screened at the Sundance Film Festival this week and Tickell has used the movie to call for better support for biodiesel from politicians.
Although mainly a mouthpiece for the director's environmental preoccupations the film does offer some decent educational fodder about our favourite fuel source.
EU Bans Palm Oil Biodiesel?
Although it's Europe's aim to provide at least 10% of all vehicle fuel from biofuels by the year 2020, the EU is currently planning to ban palm oil biodiesel.
Environmentalists aruge that fuels made from palm oil are doing more damage to the environment because of the destruction of rainforests.
It seems the EU will ban any biofuel derived from "sensitive ecosystems" such as tropical forests and grasslands.
So what do we think about the EU stance - interfering with making Biodiesel progress or responsible governing attitude? Personally I believe the old adage there's no such thing as bad publicity. Particularly here in the UK where the whole making Biodiesel at home thing is still unknown to the general populace. Any publicity raises the general threshold of awareness, surely?


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